Dear Sue’s Turkish Adventures readers,
This is coming to you from a distracted writer living in a distracted country.
Like so many here, I am heartbroken about the direction my new president is taking the United States. Like many others, I am protesting and taking action when I can, but so far I can see only limited effectiveness.
This week’s post is a question addressed to those of you who, like me, don’t agree with your government.
The question is, how do you define yourself apart from your government? How can you establish yourself as a good and humane person when the leadership of your country is setting a different example, one of dishonesty and disregard for the welfare of all?
This is the dilemma many Americans face right now. And, although many of us have disagreed with and protested our country’s policies before, the current situation seems harsher and more unyielding.
So I would like to hear any thoughts, advice, reassurance, whatever from you. Thank you, and I hope to have a full blog post for you next week.